Die Deportation nach Gurs

Filmaufnahmen aus Bruchsal vom 22. Oktober 1940

Our motivation. Sense and purpose of this page

The Jewish fellow citizens in the last part of the film, which shows the deportation at the Bruchsaler storehouses to Gurs, from Bruchsal, Gondelsheim, Heidelsheim, Langenbrücken, Mingolsheim, Odenheim, Östringen, Philippsburg and Untergrombach, have not yet been identified to a large extent. And this repeatedly leads to "stumbling" over the namelessness of the deported and later largely murdered people.

Therefore our "stumbling" led to this action: To give a name to all the people who can be seen in this film sequence.

The year 2020 marks the 80th anniversary of the deportation of Jews from Baden and the Palatinate. This should be the occasion and also the mission. Because within the framework of the commemoration work, for example when laying stumbling blocks, the sadness of the descendants about the fact that their ancestors have no grave becomes visible again and again. It is not for nothing that a Kaddish (prayer of the dead) is often spoken at the laying sites by descendants, since there is no other place with the possibility of mourning - and often the descendants have in the truest sense of the word "no picture" of their parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts or cousins.

There is only this one film about the deportation of Jewish neighbours from Baden, Saarland and the Palatinate. So this action can only "give a face" to a little over 100 people of over 6,500 deportees. But this should not prevent us from doing it.

As explained elsewhere, the deportees are to be given "a name" again. Hence the request: Should a person be identified on a still image, appropriate information will be requested. For this purpose, the respective film sequence should be indicated together with the respective number of the still photo (with the mouse pointer on the photo and the number appears) as well as the name of the person in the photo (e.g. "third person from the right with suitcase and hat").

Click on the picture to enlarge it and to browse to the left or to the right.

Click here: Standbilder